Every person has a set of sensitive emotional buttons that can trigger defensive reactions if pressed. Those buttons are created during our lives from childhood emotional wounds and adulthood unpleasant encounters. The defensive reactions itself is very much related to the human evolution and how our evolved brains reacts to symbolic threats like shouting, just as described in the following video.
Socrates was famous for his philosophy and his method of elenchus that he used 2400 years back to discuss life related matters and reach logical conclusion that helped the people of his time to go deep into the meaning of life and to improve their lives and the way they think. Today we are in a deeper need to revive the Socratic Method and reflect his way of thinking to our life matters which are more varied and complicated than they have ever been for the human kind, any point in history.
أتباع سقراط
أتباع سقراط: إشتهر فلسفه سقراط بأسلوب إلينخوس "مجادلة الاعتراض" الذي استخدمه قبل 2400 عام لمناقشة المواضيع الحياتية والوصول إلى استنتاجات منطقية ساعدت الناس من حوله في التعمق بمعاني الحياة وتحسين حياتهم وطريقة تفكيرهم. اليوم نحن في أشد الحاجة لاإحياء الطريقة السقراطية وعكس طريقة تفكيره في حياتنا التي هي أكثر تنوعا وتعقيدا مما كانت عليه الحياة في أي مرحلة من التاريخ البشري.
Read the questions, share your views, then come back for the summarized conclusion إقرأ الأسئلة، شارك برأيك، ثم عد لاحقاً لقراءة الملخَّص الإستنتاجي
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Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Are your reactions hurting you? Conclusion هل تُؤذيك ردُود أفعالك؟ الخلاصة
Every person has a set of sensitive emotional buttons that can trigger defensive reactions if pressed. Those buttons are created during our lives from childhood emotional wounds and adulthood unpleasant encounters. The defensive reactions itself is very much related to the human evolution and how our evolved brains reacts to symbolic threats like shouting, just as described in the following video.
More detailed about "The four agreements" can be found at Socratici Viri facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/385179278183304/
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