Will you regret dying
today? Conclusion
The following is the summarized conclusion of the question
asked in the previously shared topic “Will you regret dying today?”
In many cases, it is much better to regret something you
did, than to regret something you did not do, and living goes under this
category indeed. Most people would agree that the general purpose of each
individual’s life is to pursue happiness “or at least to avoid pain”, and so,
the regression of dying today would occur mainly due to failure in reaching the
personal satisfaction of pursuing happiness.
This means different things to different age groups. Babies
rely completely on others, so their happiness is a reflection of how much care
they get, while kids find happiness simply in playing. Youth want to feel
independent to be satisfied, while young adults find happiness in adding value
to their surrounding. Adults find real joy in passing their life knowledge
through the generations, while old people strive for companionship. As a
general rule we can quote Christopher McCandless in what he concluded through
his life journey and delivered through the raw self portrait found next to his
young dead body “Happiness only real when shared”.
The other side of this question that should not be neglected
is about those people who matters in our life, and how we should not leave undone
or unsaid things behind. “It’s so important to say these things while you still
can, for when it’s over, it’s over” This was the message emotionally expressed
in the last episode of Desperate Housewives.
For when the hour of departure is appointed to me, this is the
hope with which I’ll depart; know yourself and do not fancy that you know what
you do not know.
هل ستندم إذا وافتك
المَنِيَّه اليوم؟ الخلاصه
التالي هو خلاصه استنتاجيه لما تم طرحه
مسبقا في موضوع " هل ستندم إذا وافتك المَنِيَّهَ اليوم؟"
يفضِّل الإنسان بالعديد من الحالات أن
يندم على شيئ فعله على أن يندم على شيئ لم يفعله، وهو ما سينطبق حتما على فعل
الحياة. قد نتَّفق على أن الهدف العام في حياة كلٍّ منَّا هو الوصول للسعاده الحقيقية، أو على الأقل تلافي التعاسه،
ممّا يعني أنَّ السبب الرئيسي للندم وقت الموت هو الفشل في الوصول إلى مستوى مُرضي
من السعاده الحقيقيه.
يختلف معنى السعاده باختلاف الفئه
العمريه، فحديثي الولاده يعتمدون كليا على الآخرين، وسعادتهم هي انعكاس لمدى
الرعايه التي يحظون بها، بينما يجد الأطفال سعادتهم الحقيقيه باللعب. يشعر الأولاد
بالرضا عن طريق إستقلالهم الذاتي، ويجد الشباب سعادتهم بالإسهام بالحياه من حولهم.
يستمتع الكبار بنقل خبرات حياتهم للأجيال الصاعده، بينما يسعد العجائز بمرافقه
دائمه. للوصول إلى قاعده عامه، نستطيع اقتباس ما توصل إليه كريستوفر مكندلز من
خبره حياته وأوصله لنا عن طريق سيرته الذاتيه الغير مكتمله التي وجدت بجانب جسده
الغض الميت "السعاده الحقيقه تكتمل بالمشاركه"
لا يجب أن نهمل الجانب الآخر في السؤال،
وهو عن أولئك الأشخاص الذين يهمنا أمرهم في حياتنا، وواجبنا إتجاههم أن لا نُأجِّل
ما يجب فعله أو قوله لهم، فيفاجئنا الموت. "من المهم جدا أن نقول كل تلك الأشياء
ونحن نستطيع، فلا عوده حين تنتهي الحياة" هكذا كانت الرساله المليئه بالمشاعر
التي تحويها الحلقه الأخيره من المسلسل الأمريكي
"Desperate Housewives"
وقتما كتبت عليَّ ساعه الفراق الأخير،
سأودِّعكم برجاءٍ في قلبي، أن تعرفوا أنفسكم حقَّ معرفةٍ، وأن لا تتظاهروا بمعرفه
ما لستم تعرفون.
Why do you assume there is a purpose for life? :)
ReplyDeleteVery good question dear :)
DeleteYesterday in my class at university we were discussing a famous term that is widely used in companies and organizations, Vision.
We happened to agree that everything and everyone has a higher purpose in life, and for companies it is called "Vision". If a person or a company does not have a written vision does not mean that it does not exist, it just means that it hasn't been thought about and written down. It has been statistically proven that companies with clear written visions achieve better business results.
Instead of asking if there is a purpose for life, I believe we better ask, what is our purpose of living? :)
A scene from the movie "Into The Wild" telling the life story of Christopher Johnson McCandless "the guy in the picture above" has been added to the facebook group Socratici Viri
Yes Hanna, companies need vision but who said that we happen to agree that everything and everyone has a higher purpose in life? :) have you ever thought that it may not have meaning at all? there is no reason for existing and no purpose.. we just happen to be here.. can be the answer, no? :)
ReplyDeleteI would love to try out the Socratic Method in pulling you into giving the answer yourself, unfortunately such a method can take forever using messages :)
DeleteIn short, everything we do in life we do it with a purpose in mind (ex. you drink coffee to be awake), and since a life is the sum of all small things we do, then life must have a purpose of its own which sum all purposes of the small things we do. This is known in philosophy as the "teleology" argument, and it's part of metaphysics.
But Hanna that doesn't really translate well.. you can't sum up all small purposed of different actions in order to derive the purpose of life.. dont' make sense to me :)
ReplyDeleteSo are you saying that there is no purpose behind your life?
DeleteIf your answer is yes, that won't make sense to me knowing what you do :) I would be worried that you just don't want to believe in a purpose behind living, regardless of how much sense does the teleology argument explored by Plato and Aristotle have!
If you have an evidence that a higher purpose of living does not exist, I'm existed to hear about it :) If not, try this method that might prove my argument, choose different things you do in your day and ask your self five times every time why do you do it, or why is that important. That's one time for the thing itself, and another time for your answer to that, and go on.
Let me know of the results if you are welling to share :)